Last year, we met the director of Samaritans Brighton Hove & District, to find out about what the charity offers to those in need.
“Samaritans vision is that fewer people die by suicide. We try to bring this about by being available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for people to talk to about how they are feeling. We can be contacted by telephone (free on 116 123) or by email (jo@samaritans.org) and you can visit us between 10am and 10pm at our Branch by Hove station.
We strongly believe that by allowing people the space to talk, and by exploring their feelings with them, this can lead to a better understanding of their situation and their options. We do this confidentially so people can be open about their feelings and we believe that people can, wherever possible, make their own decisions.
We are completely non-judgemental because we want people to be able to talk to us without fear of prejudice or rejection.
And we provide human contact – if people are alone or lonely, feel rejected or abandoned, we can provide much needed undivided attention and empathy.
You do not have be suicidal to talk to us. But if you are experiencing suicidal feelings we are here to talk these feeling through with you. You may have been affected by suicide, you may be feeling generally desperate, you may just need a kind listening ear. Whatever the reasons, we are here. And we are listening.”
Samaritans – Brighton, Hove & District
Dubarry House
Newtown Road
As well as Sibling Link’s Bereaved by Suicide peer support group which is specifically for those of us – not limited to siblings – who have been bereaved by suicide, Samaritans and Cruse have also set up a general group for those who have been affected by suicide.
Facing the Future can be accessed by any family/friend who has been affected by suicide.
Brighton & Hove Samaritan details are all available here, or you can follow them on Twitter @BHSamaritans