The Pottery Project
Sibling Link are very excited to announce The Pottery Project – set up to help those who have been bereaved by suicide and connect with others in the same boat.
Following the tragedy of a suicide, our aim is to help people feel less isolated and more connected, with what is an extremely painful and complex issue.
THE POTTERY PROJECT will be offering those bereaved by suicide the opportunity to create a piece in clay and use the power of pottery to connect and heal with others who are living with, and totally understand this brutal kind of grief.
By bringing people together we are hoping that our members can work through their grief by using the theraputic medium of clay.
We will be making a mug or a pinch pot to start with – and hoping that the physical manipulation of the clay will help to enable people to open up and feel understood. Talking about common experiences can help to lessen feelings of stigma and isolation and many other complicated emotions experienced by those bereaved by suicide.
We have seen that by talking regularly about this loss it can become part of normal conversation – and that this process can make it easier for people to continue the conversation with others in their lives.
Our members will also be taking home what they have made which will be either a reminder of who they have lost or how they are coping at this point.
Both Pottery Galliano and Sibling Link founders will be on hand to guide and facilitate those who attend.
SIBLING LINK CIC is a free resource offering two support groups and an online platform:
Peer support group for anyone over 18 with a brother or sister who has/ is struggling with mental illness - at the moment, we meet online
Bereaved By Suicide – outdoor meets for anyone (not limited to siblings) who has been bereaved by suicide
Online platform for anyone who may want to share their story and access advice and information for them or their loved ones.
Co-founders Tash & Bex’s own brothers suffered from severe mental illness and, being such good friends, they had an outlet for each other’s emotions.
They wanted to give others in the same position the chance to talk and to be heard – hence Sibling Link’s purpose today.
If you have been impacted by loss by suicide and would like to join ‘The Pottery Project’ – we have limited spaces available starting in September. Please email info@siblinglink.co.uk for more details.